Sunday, February 22, 2009

Crest White Strips Review

If you have sensitive teeth, I advise that you stay away from Crest White Strips, unless you're willing to go through the pain. What pain, you ask? Here's my experience --

After using the product for the first time, my teeth were left with aching pain for 24 hours non-stop. You're supposed to use 2 strips a day but the pain convinced me one was enough... The next day, I was hopeful that my teeth were a little bit more used to the product and wouldn't hurt as much, so I went ahead and used it again. Once again...I was in pain for the rest of the day. I even ended up getting a headache.

So my advice to you is - save up for a professional consultation to get your teeth whitened at the dentist's (most use Zoom). This way, the dentist can determine what degree of the product is best for your teeth. But be cautious that Zoom may lead to sensitivity and pain also, but at least you won't have to re-experience it for a week.

Another alternative is using whitening toothpastes and/or whitening mouthwashes (the new Whitening Listerine Mouthwash supposedly works well).

xoxo mode

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